Lubrication Lubricants in Telugu Vamsi Bhavani
INTRODUCTION • In all type of machines, the moving surfaces rub against each other. Due to this • rubbing, a resistance is offered to their movement. This resistance is known as Friction. This • friction will cause a lot of wear and tear of surfaces of moving parts. Due to the friction • large amount of energy is dissipated in the form of heat, thereby the efficiency of machine • gets reduced. • DEFINITIONS • Lubricant • Lubricant is a substance used in between two moving surfaces to reduce the friction. • Lubrication • Lubrication is a process of reducing friction and wear between two moving surfaces • by adding lubricant in between them. • FUNCTIONS OF A LUBRICANT • 1. It prevents the direct contact between the moving surfaces and reduces wear, • tear and surface deformation of the concerned parts. • 2. It reduces wastage of energy so that efficiency of the machine is enhanced. • 3. It reduces the factional heat and thus prevents the expansion of metals. • 4. It acts as a coolant by removing the frictional heat generated due to the rubbing • of surfaces. • 5. At some time, it acts as a seal preventing the entry of dust and leakage of gases • at high pressure. • 6. It reduces the maintenance and running cost of the machine. • 7. It minimizes corrosion. • Requirements (or) Characteristics of a lubricant • 1. A good lubricant should not undergo any decomposition, oxidation, • reduction at high temperature. • 2. A good lubricant should have higher flash and fire points than the • operating temperature. • 3. A good lubricant should have high oiliness, viscosity index, aniline • point. • 4. A good lubricant should not corrode the machine parts. • #vamsi_bhavanitutorials • Jai hind!!!