Should we pray at the graves of the Tzaddikim 🟡 Checkpoint 5


When approaching judgment day, many run for segulos and blessings from Tzaddikim. However, few know that learning the Torah of Tzaddikim gives them more merit in Shamayim. Moreover, through dwelling on the holy Torah and the insights of Sages, we would have better clarity and understanding of our purpose in life. • Join BeEzrat HaShem. Learn with Rabbi Lev Leib Lerner. Study kosher Jewish ideologies and halachos. Toil in Torah and be Holy. • #OrthodoxJudaism #JewishIdeology #JewishValue #JewishThoughts #JewishMentality #JewishTeachings #JewishHashkafa #RoshHashanah #YomKippur #JewishHolidays #MonthOfElul #HighHolidays #JewishGraves #GravesOfTzaddikim #Tzaddikim #YomTov #Emet #Mussar #TorahStudy #TorahLearning #TorahTeachings #StudyTorah #Emes #Truth #Teshuvah #Teshuva #Repent #Repentance • #Torah, #Tanakh, #God, #faith, #laws, #rabbi, #morals, #ethics, #morality, #jews, #torahLecture, #lawsOfPurity, #LawsofJudaism, #BeezratHashem, #RabbiLevLeibLerner, #LearnwithLerner, #RabbiMizrachi, #HalachosofJudaism, #biblestudy, #selfdevelopment, #selfimprovement, #musarmovement, #lawsforwomen, #lawsofbrachot, #rabbiefraimkachlon, #rabbiyaaronreuven, #jewishstories, #shabbatcandles, #torahstudy, #ConvertingtoJudaism, #TorahLaws, #ToviaSinger, #TorahTruth, #Hashem, #shorts, • Rabbi Lerner warmly greets his viewers with a Shalom Aleichem, setting a friendly and approachable tone for his exploration of a compelling spiritual question: should one pray at the grave of a Tzadik, a righteous person? He lays out the fifth checkpoint in this spiritual journey, revealing a potent alternative to physical pilgrimage. • Instead of traversing geographical distances, Rabbi Lerner unveils the profound impact of immersing oneself in the Tzadik's teachings. He explains that by delving into their Torah, their books, and internalizing their wisdom, one forges a special connection with that righteous soul. This connection transcends the earthly realm, reaching the Tzadik in the heavens, bringing them joy and merit. • He goes on to clarify that while a physical presence at a gravesite connects one to a lower aspect of the Tzadik's soul, the highest part resides in Gan Eden, the heavenly yeshiva, in the presence of G-d. Therefore, true connection is achieved through continued learning and engagement with their teachings, regardless of one's location. This practice, he emphasizes, elevates both the Torah of the Tzadik and the individual seeking connection, leading them towards holiness. • Rabbi Lerner concludes with a powerful message: our troubles are ultimately insignificant in the grand scheme of our purpose, which is to serve G-d. He leaves his viewers with a final exhortation – Be holy! - a potent reminder of our ultimate aspiration. His closing words, to be continued... , hint at further exploration of this captivating topic.


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