How to Fix Price Error Alerts on Amazon
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • Get Amazon Consulting at • #amazonselling #amazonseller #amazonfba • Pricing Health • The Pricing Health page provides an overview of your Featured Offer eligibility and sales conversion from a pricing point of view. • The Featured Offer tab lists: • All offers currently ineligible to be a Featured Offer on the Product Detail page because they are not priced competitively compared to other retailers outside of Amazon (the Competitive Price). • You can resolve this issue by setting your offer's total price (price + shipping) so that it matches or is lower than the Competitive Price. • All offers currently eligible to be a Featured Offer but are not the Featured Offer because they are not priced competitively compared to other retailers on Amazon (the current Featured Offer price). • You can resolve this issue by setting your offer’s total price (price + shipping) so that it matches or is lower than the current Featured Offer price. • The Sales conversion tab lists: • All offers with customer views but no sales in the last 7 days. • You can improve your sales conversion by considering to lower your total price (price + shipping) so that it matches or is lower than the suggested lower price. • Providing a great customer experience is essential to successful selling on Amazon. We reserve Featured Offer placement for seller offers that maintain our customer experience standards, including price competitiveness. • Frequently asked questions • I received a message that one or more of my items are not eligible to be a Featured Offer on the Product Detail page. What does this mean? • We notify you when your offer becomes ineligible to be a Featured Offer on the Product Detail page. This happens when your total price (price + shipping) is above the Competitive Price. • For your offer to be eligible to be a Featured Offer on the Product Detail page, you need to be priced competitively and meet other qualifying criteria. • What is the Competitive Price and how is it determined? • The Competitive Price is the lowest price for this item from other major retailers. It does not include the prices from other sellers in the Amazon store. • While we do not reveal the names of competitors, the Competitive Price is determined based on prices from a list of major national retailers. This list is reviewed regularly to ensure competitors are relevant for each country and product group. • Are all uncompetitive seller offers ineligible to be a Featured Offer on the Product Detail page? • Yes, Featured Offer qualifications apply to all sellers. • How is the Featured Offer percentage calculated? • The Featured Offer percentage is calculated as the total page views in which you are the Featured Offer divided by the total page views received by products you list. Only active items are considered. You will see ‘—‘ if we are unable to calculate your Featured Offer percentage. • How is sales conversion rate calculated? • Sales conversion rate is calculated as your total orders (minus returns) divided by the total page views received on products you list. You will see ‘—‘ if we are unable to calculate your sales conversion rate. • What is the suggested lower price and how is it determined? • The suggested lower price is based on a range of factors including historical selling prices, recent Featured Offer eligible prices, lowest price for this item from other major retailers, and input from customers for your products. • Do you have any Automate Pricing rules to ensure that my offers remain competitive? • Yes, you can use Automate Pricing to create a pricing rule to keep your selected offers competitive on an ongoing basis. Visit the Compare Prices with External Prices help page to learn more. • How do I keep my offers competitive if I use third-party repricing services or MWS APIs? • The Competitive Price, Featured Offer price, and suggested lower price are published through our MWS APIs. The AnyOfferChanged notification provides this data through the CompetitivePriceThreshold element, BuyBoxPrice element, and SuggestedLowerPricePlusShipping element, respectively. Ask your repricer for more information on how you can stay competitive.