How to make a paper basket 3D origami tutorial


(We need 358 white and 214 pink pieces 1 / 32nd size) • Let me show you how to make a paper basket in the art 3D origami. It’s a nice paper basket DIY. • Subscribe to get more paper craft ideas: •    / @arthur3dorigami   • Timestamps for your convenience: • 0:01 Hello! Let me show you how to make a paper basket of pieces origami. What do you say about these baskets? • Take 12 white sheets of paper and 7 pink. • Take the paper sheet and cut it into 32 identical pieces. Repeat it after me. • 0:29 Make pieces for the basket. • Make 358 white and 214 pink rectangles. • Take one small rectangle and start folding the piece. Repeat it after me. If something doesn’t work out for you, you can always rewind and look again at lower speed. Fold it as I show. • That's all! We have a piece for 3D origami. The pieces size is called 1/32nd. • You should make the pieces pockets more comfortable for you. Just put one piece on another. Like this. • Make pieces and let’s begin assembling the basket. • Make the right number of pieces. You can watch interesting films or programs while you’re folding pieces, so that it seems that time passes faster. • We begin to assembly the basket of triangles. • Take the two white pieces and place them with the short side up. And secure them with the white piece. Place this triangle with the long side up. Add two more white pieces. We form the base for the basket of pieces. • In the first row, the pieces must be place with the short side up. Place the pieces in the second and third row with the long side up. • Use 36 white pieces in each row. • We continue to fold the first three rows. • By the way, write in the comments below the video, why did you decide to make the basket of pieces? Maybe you need to make a basket for the exhibition or do you want to give it to mom or sister? Please pause the video and share your story with us. • When there are 36 pieces in the first row, then connect the base into a ring and secure with one white piece. And put on two more white pieces in the third row. • You should have 36 pieces in each row. • 4th row. Put on the pink piece with the short side up. Then put on 5 white long side pieces up. • Pink and 5 white. Continue to shape the pattern after me. • You must have such a pattern in this row. • 5th row. Put on the two pink ones with the short side up. • And 4 white ones. Put on 2 pink and 4 white ones again. Pay attention to how to put on the triangles. Put on pink pieces with the short side up and white pieces with the long side up. • Pink and white. We finished making the 5th row. • 6th row. Put on 3 pink and 3 white triangles. • Continue making 3 pink and 3 white. • Bend the workpiece slightly when you put on the pieces. Make a bowl shape for the basket. • 7th row. Now put on 4 pink and 2 white. Continue to make a pattern. • 8th row. Put on pink piece and white. 3 pink. White. • Pink. White. 3 pink. White. And keep doing the basket pattern after me. • 9th row. 2 pink. White. 2 pink. White. Keep doing this pattern in a circle so on. • Here is what you should have. • 10th row. On 2 pink put on 3 pink and 1 white. • Pink. White. 3 pink. White. Pink. White and so on. • 11th row. 4 pink. 2 white. 4 pink. 2 white. And keep making the pattern. • 12th row. 3 pink. 3 white. 3 pink. 3 white. • Here is what you should have. • 31:26 Make petals of the basket. • White. 2 pink. White. • White. Pink. White. • 2 white and 1 white. Correct it a little. • Skip the space for two pieces and repeat making a new petal after me. • Make the remaining 4 petals. • 35:47 Make a handle. • Remove one central white piece from one petal. • And put on one pink and two white ones. Pink and two white. Pink and two white. And repeat this sequence 8 more times. • Find the opposite side. Remove the piece and make the same part of the handle for our basket of origami pieces. • Correct it a little. And bend the parts of handle towards each other. Connect them together. • The wonderful basket in the 3D origami technique is ready. • Of course you can make another basket of pieces, but with a different color. • If you’ve made 3D origami basket, then share its photo on social networks with the tag #Arthur3Dorigami • Thank you for watching our video tutorials! Come to the channel more often! I think you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself! • And don’t be afraid to put your likes or write comments. • See other video tutorials: • HOW TO MAKE AN ORIGAMI and other DIY PAPER CRAFT •    • HOW TO MAKE ORIGAMI and other DIY PAP...   • HOW TO MAKE 3D ORIGAMI: clearly tutorials by Arthur 3D origami channel •    • HOW TO MAKE 3D ORIGAMI: clearly tutor...   • 3D origami baskets and vase and basket •    • 3D origami flowers and vase and basket  


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