STEINITZ The First World Chess Champion


This is an attacking game of former world chess champion Wilhelm Steinitz!! • He is also known as “Austrian MORPHY”!! • The Great Chess World Champions •    • The Great Chess World Champions Every...   • Wilhelm Steinitz vs Rock • London 1863 • 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. b4 Bxb4 5. c3 Ba5 6. d4 exd4 7. O-O Nf6 8.Ba3 Bb6 9. Qb3 d5 10. exd5 Na5 11. Re1+ Be6 12. dxe6 Nxb3 13. exf7+ Kd7 14.Be6+ Kc6 15. Ne5+ Kb5 16. Bc4+ Ka5 17. Bb4+ Ka4 18. axb3# 1-0 • We can learn more things by studying this nice game like..rapid development, value of sacrifices, how to play against the uncastled King, how to play if your opponent lacks development.. I have explained in a very detailed and simple manner.. • I have explained in such a way that, after watching this video you will have no doubts about playing the sacrifices at the appropriate moment in your games…practice well with singam chess chess with singam.. • Chapters:- • 00:00 Introduction • 01:05 Game starts • 07:38 Critical Moment-1 of the Game- Pause and find the Best move • 08:41 Critical Moment-2 of the Game- Pause and find the Best move • 09:23 Critical Moment-3 of the Game- Pause and find the Mate in 6 • 11:21 Game ends and Outro • Please feel free to give your 💕Comments, if you Like❤️this video - give a Thumbs up👍 and also 💞Share with your friends and finally don't forget to Subscribe🔔 our channel.. Thank you🙏friends !!!!!! • If any body needs Online Coaching - can approach me...I am conducting classes for all levels - Beginners / Intermediate / Advanced Tournament Players - For any further details contact - 98406 59889.. 🙏🙏 💟Singam Chess Academy👍👍 • #Steinitz #PleaseSupportPleaseSubscribe #chesswithsingam


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