Vinayaki Jaap Mantra 108 Repetitions


Please consider supporting my work through • Patreon here:   / chantcentral   • • Goddess Vinayaki • | Raktavarnaam Chaturbhujaam Trinetram | • || Chandrashekharam Gajasyam Chandarogaghnim || • | Pashaankushdharam Suvam Varadabhayakaram | • | Devim Ganeshaankasthitaam Param Dhyayet | • || Vinayakim Devim Sarvakaamafalapradaam || • • Complextion of Blood red who has four hands and Three eyes and a crescent of moon adorns her on her forehead , Elephant headed who kills fiercest of fierce diseases who holds Paash Ankusha and Modak and Abhaya who resides in the Heart of Sri Ganesh To such Vinayakim who gives fruits to every Desire of her bhakta I bow. • • Vinayaki is an elephant-headed Hindu goddess. Her mythology and iconography are not clearly defined. Little is told about her in Hindu scriptures and very few images of this deity exist. • Due to her elephantine features, the goddess is generally associated with the elephant-headed god of wisdom, Ganesha. She does not have a consistent name and is known by various names, Stri Ganesha ( female Ganesha , Vainayaki, Gajanana ( elephant-faced ), Vighneshvari ( Mistress of obstacles ) and Ganeshani, all of them being feminine forms of Ganesha's epithets Vinayaka, Gajanana, Vigheshvara and Ganesha itself. • The upapurana (lesser Purana) Devi Purana explicitly identifies Gananayika or Vinayaki as the shakti of Ganesha, characterized by her elephant head and ability to remove obstacles like Ganesha, and includes her as the ninth Matrika.Though generally the number of Matrikas is seven in sculpture and literature, nine Matrikas became popular in eastern India. Apart from the classical seven, Mahalakshmi or Yogeshvari and Ganeshani or Ganesha were added as eighth and ninth Matrika respectively. • The Medieval text Gorakshasamhita describes Vinayaki as elephant-faced, pot-bellied, having three eyes and four arms, holding a parashu and a plate of modaks. Srikumara's sixteenth century iconographical treatise Shilparatna describes a female form of Ganesha (Ganapati) called Shakti-Ganapati, who resides in the Vindhyas. • The deity has an elephant head and two trunks. Her body is of a young woman, vermilion red in colour and with ten arms. She is pot-bellied and with full breasts and beautiful hips. She is surrounded by sea of sugarcane juice and resides in Swaananda Loka. • • Note - Compositing Animation and Music Composition has all done by me. Copyright rules apply. • Email: [email protected] • Like on Facebook:   / chantcentral   • Follow on Instagram:   / chant_central   • Follow on Twitter:   / chantcentral  


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