DNA Replication A Level Biology Revision AQA
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In this easy to digest video, you will learn how semi-conservative DNA replication works. • We cover breaking the hydrogen bonds to unwind the double stranded helix. Semi-conservative means half of the DNA is retained and the other half is new. • This is critical information for A Level students. In the exam you will be required to evaluate the work of scientists in validating the Watson–Crick model of DNA replication. • *EXAM TIP: The structure of DNA was discovered by scientists called Watson and Crick who also proposed the theory that DNA replicates by semi-conservative replication. In the exam (for AQA Students) will be required to know this and the spelling too! Semi-conservative DNA replication was later proven by other scientists (Meselson and Stahl). • #DNAReplication #SemiConservative #Unwinding #DoubleHelix #TemplateStrands #alevelbiology #alevelbiologyAQA #alevelbiologyOCR #alevelbiologyEDEXCEL #alevelbiologypastpaper #alevelbiologyrevision #alevelbiologynotes #ASBiology #OCR #EDEXCEL #OCR #BiologyPaper #BiologyContent #EdexcelBiology #AlevelBiology • ________________________________________________ • This video is from The Ultimate Guide To A Level Biology Revision - a super condensed, exam focused revision course that covers all of the new AQA, OCR, and Edexcel specifications. • Improve a grade GUARANTEED in A Level Biology, Chemistry, or Maths by using our revision materials. • View the full Biology course by Rich Thompson at https://tailoredtutors.co.uk/biology • ________________________________________________ • Facebook: https://fb.me/tailoredtutors • Reviews: / reviews • Instagram: https://instagr.am/tailoredtutors • Email us if you have any questions or suggestions! • [email protected]