Redboots Low Voice From The Backyardigans
#music #thebackyardigans • From The Backyardigans • Episode: Pirate Camp • Subscribe if you want to see more Low Voice Music from The Backyardigans. • Lyrics: • Both: Redboots...Redboots...spooky, tickly ghost. Redboots...Redboots...roams the foggy coast. Redboots, Redboots lives deep in the mist. We signed up for Pirate Camp, we didn't sign up for this! • Uniqua: Whoever would have thunk...that this could ever happen? Our ship has run aground, and we've lost our pirate captain! • Pablo: Could Austin have been snagged by the ghost that roams the fog? Oh, my gosh, Uniqua! That's his hat right on that log! • Both: Redboots...Redboots...spooky, tickly ghost. Redboots...Redboots...roams the foggy coast. Redboots, Redboots lives deep in the mist. We signed up for pirate camp, we didn't sign up for this! • Both: Our captain may be quite a ghastly pickle! The ghost may be give him quite a tickle! We must go save him fast...we cannot stay and linger, or the ghost will come at us with her spooky tickle finger! • Pablo: Do you think we stand a chance? • Uniqua: Maybe! Will she freeze us with a glance? • Pablo: We'll see! Will we get to make the save? • Uniqua: Hope so! Will she trap us in her cave? • Both: No, no, no! • Both: Redboots...Redboots...spooky, tickly ghost. Redboots...Redboots...roams the foggy coast. Redboots, Redboots lives deep in the mist. We signed up for pirate camp, we didn't sign up for this!