1946 The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture Director Sharon “Rocky” Roggio Interview ScreenSlam
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What if the word homosexuality was never meant to be in the Bible? 1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture is a feature documentary by Sharon “Rocky” Roggio that follows the story of tireless researchers who trace the origins of the anti-gay movement among Christians to a grave mistranslation of the Bible in 1946. It chronicles the discovery of never-before-seen archives at Yale University which unveil astonishing new revelations, and casts significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ prejudice. Featuring commentary from prominent scholars as well as opposing pastors, including the personal stories of the film’s creators, 1946 is at once challenging, enlightening, and inspiring. • While other documentaries have been successful in their attempt to treat the symptom of homophobia in the church, 1946 is working to diagnose and treat the disease - Biblical Literalism. • Check out Movie Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Movie Red Carpet Premieres, Broll and more from ScreenSlam • SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/mHkEX9 • CHECK OUR MOST VIEWED VIDEOS!: http://bit.ly/ScreenSlamTopVideos • FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: http://goo.gl/7SoFjW • LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/6srxoU • FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: / screenslam • LICENSING INQUIRIES: [email protected] • [Playlist Specific Hashtag] #ScreenSlam • About ScreenSlam: • We are an Entertainment channel that features Hollywood interviews, premieres, behind the scenes of movies TV, press conferences, award shows, film festivals, and much more. Our content is made up of original videos and stuff that the studios send us. We edited our videos so you can check out the latest movies and streaming shows in a quick, entertaining fashion. • [Video Title] • [Video URL] • ScreenSlam • / screenslam