Cromok cover song I Dont Belong Here
• Cross - Ozielzinho (cover) • ----------------------------------------- • • Not really satisfied with my own playing, whatever's done is done. will do better one when i have time, keje. • ----------------------------------------- • My no. 1 fav song of Cromok, along with Another You~. I love them both! • • same settings utk guitar 1 2, dats y lead nyer reverb/delay/tone agak tenggelam once rhythm dah masuk...guitar settings not good enuf, tak terpk lak sblum upload. • • first got the tab from malayOLGA?/mysongbook couple years bck, not really sure who owns it as the tab that i have is from sb's else (cimakan?? not sure la. Please state the name of the tabber in the comment section if you know, as a credit for him(or her :P)), somehow i made my own change/improvision (a bit) as i found what i heard is a bit diff from the tabs. Anyway the tabber is always better, at least u get a good start from there, thanks to him (or her, again). Thanks to Karl and the band for this great song. • • btw, keyboards, bass and drums are all from the same GPtab, converted to mp3/wave from midi format.