How to Make Nigerian Palm Oil
Palm oil is the oldest and the most consumed oil in Nigeria. On BattaBox today, we will be taking you on a journey to Eredo Village in Ogun State to do expository research on how palm oil is made locally in Nigeria. • Enjoy this video and share in the comment section, your most interesting part of the process! • ► Subscribe to BattaBox on YouTube: • ► Support BattaBox on Patreon: / battabox • • Before modern day civilization and large scale production of palm oil, the making selling of palm oil for commercial purposes and for home consumption has been in existence. • People from the eastern and south-eastern part of Nigeria have a big knowledge of how to extract palm oil and sell to business people. These business people buy from the people in the rural areas and sell to consumers in urban centers. • In Eredo village, the people travel most time to the outskirt of the village to harvest ripe palm fruit so early in the morning. Considering the farm routes are not motorable, the farmers have to trek miles to reach their farms. • Palm oil in its pure state looks and also taste so nice and fresh. In this documentary, we uncover the whole processing from scratch to finish. From the palm kernel harvest until the palm oil is fully prepared and made. • Palm oil is actually extracted from the palm kernel originally and it is been extracted with its bunch from the palm tree. After harvesting from the tree, the bunch is left for 5 days to soften, then the bunch been beaten with a hard stick to make easy the palm fruit separation from it (the bunch). • After the separation have been done, the palm fruit is then poured into a drum with the sole purpose of boiling it for about 3 days to get it soft. When the palm fruit is soft, it is then poured into a ditch and being marched with the feet to get an extract of oil with the water. Then the oil is scooped on the surface and cooked again to separate the remaining shaft from the oil. After this, the oil is then sieved and the clean extract is then filled into the keg, ready for consumption. • Thanks for watching and kindly let us know the most interesting part of this video in the comment section. • **** • CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW BATTABOX VIDEOS EVERYDAY: • • YOU can support BattaBox here: / battabox • ... Website: • ... YouTube: / battabox • ... Facebook: / battabox • ... Twitter: / battaboxnigeria • ... Google+: • ... Instagram: / battabox • **** • BattaBox is the most exciting Nigerian News Entertainment Video channel based in Lagos. We are the fact behind Nigerian Movies fiction, Nollywood in real-life with a dash of Yoruba Movie Magic - but none of our videos are made-up like Nollywood - they are all true stories! • BattaBox is Nigeria Like You've Never Seen Before! • -- • #BattaBox #Nigeria #PalmOil #PalmKernel #Processing #PalmOilProduction #PalmTree #Food #Foodie #FoodIngredient #NigeriaFood #NigerianNews #HowTo #Shocking #Africa