The Innovative SALMON CANNON got a new Update
The revolutionary fish passage system designed by Whooshh Innovations, who normally use the technology to safely transport fish over dams, assisted thousands of salmon by helping them overcome a river blockage in the remote wilderness, helping to saving the run. • The first designed system was basically a flexible plastic tube hooked up to a motorized air pump. One end of that tube was located in the river at the bottom of the dam, while the other was located up at the top. • It was first used to get fish into a truck or when transferring them into a hatchery or aquaculture operation. The fish were manually loaded into the bottom end of the system, where the lower air pressure inside sucked them in and up the tube. A pressure difference of about 2 PSI shot the fish along at 5 to 10 meter per second. • Although quite clever, the system was limited by the fact that the fish had to be hand-loaded into the tube. Not only was this labour intensive and time consuming, but it was also stressful to the fish. At the time, the company was looking into a method of enticing the fish to enter the setup voluntarily. That feature is now a standard part of the new-and-improved Whooshh Passage Portal. • #SalmonCannonUpgrade • #TechSplash • #AquaticInnovation • #FishyTech • #WaterwayRevolution • #SplashyUpgrade • #SalmonTech • #StreamToSky • #FintasticJourney • #SALMONCANNON2.0 • #InnovateWithFish • #OceanicTech • #LaunchIntoInnovation • #AquaticAdventure