Bodhi Day
With Sheila Maher Rev. Abhi Janamanchi • Bodhi Day celebrates the day in which Siddhartha Gautama sat underneath the Bodhi tree and attained enlightenment. This one defining moment would become the central foundation upon which Buddhism has been built upon for the last 2,500 years. It is a day on which followers can renew their dedication to Buddhism; reaffirm themselves to enlightenment, compassion, and kindness toward themselves and other living creatures. • Collection Plate • As we gather together to worship, please support Cedar Lane with a contribution to our offertory plate. There are four easy and secure ways to give: • • 1. Text CLUUC $[Amount]” to 73256 • • 2. Give online ( choosing “Collection Plate” • • 3. New! Give using Paypal! Go to • • 4. Send a check! Note “collection plate, [Sunday date]” in the memo line. Write your check as payable to Cedar Lane UU Church and send it to 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda MD 20814. • Keep in touch with Cedar Lane! Sign up to receive our weekly eNews at and follow us on social media: • Facebook - • Twitter - • Instagram -