Earth is where EArtha Shastra and badass got MasterDamed
Bandish Bandits (tele serial) has reference to two kinds of music genres finding complement and fusion in an Earth-like musical-dance-familial harmony that is a class of its own. Turns out, Earth aced the business classes long before any of us could begin to think about what business of normal ordinary harmonious living means. Yoga, air/water/fire/earth/spirit/space purification, creative instincts to the point of reverse transcribing the Matrix, sustainable 'green' technological innovation to the point of Sisu's Gem and then have people create movies, songs, ballads, AI also to have people think about these things and arrive at a united humane front in supporting Earth to turn around what the Universe couldn't all by oneself. My kisses to Earth and oh! my Goodness what Earth has pulled off since how long we know nothing about, since we may not even have been born when Earth was pulling off such game-changing stunts that life's forms as generations evolved were inspired to write and compose technologies from. Talk about starting an industry from scratch, creating tools and resources and technologies to support the Enterprise, then man power to fund the developments, and then multimedia to support dissemination of ideas to 'people' who have differential intellectual capacities and gender/emotional spectra and day/night cycles while living in differential geographies, and then creating a person like me to voice out the matter (by mass communication over technologies already created after much investment and ingenuity) to fellow humans that Earth created over oh-so-many civilizations, and economically at that considering we have humans amongst us who dream of flying off to Mars, and had those thought lines be communicated to me at a point when I am inquiring into original humane intelligence and in a way that got me scrambling for 'convey this message now before more money is spent on an endeavour that can be accomplished in a much more efficient way with much less cost.' Business person (Earth) of A class. Deep respects. • #intangibleworldheritage • #TheHumanRehabilitationProgram • #TheHumaneBodyProject • #dischargepatients • #healthehealer • #healthierspermandovum • #MyStoryProject • #MIese • #meme