Homemade RF Detector
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=nQhLwpLNpa0
Are Ninja's spying on you? DIY RF Detector! • This RF detector has been tested in the frequency range of 6Mhz to 2Ghz • Most Spy bugs are in the range of 100Mhz, this detector easily picks up those frequencies! • This rf detector uses an amp from computer speakers and a preamp that I built. • The detector uses germanium diodes that I pulled from junk radios. • The antenna and diodes are hooked up to the amp something like this: http://electronics.stackexchange.com/... • Here is a similar schematic LED VU Meter I built in the vid http://www.eleccircuit.com/led-vu-met... • Note: This could possibly detect chi