Development What is Development Development Studies


Physical development, human development and learning, understand the genetic foundations, prenatal development, developmental course of physical growth, physical characteristics of learners, appropriate physical activities for pretty and elementary school children, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, child development, the ABC's of genetics, nucleus, chromosomes, genetic inheritance, genes and environment, life before birth- prenatal development, prenatal development, zygote, embryo, fetus, duration of each period, environmental risks, teratogens, damage, physical damage, psychological consequences, development delays, death, pre mature birth, low birth weight, physical defects, physical development in childhood, changes in body size, changes in body proportions, skeletal growth, epiphyses, changes in gross and fine motor skills, environmental factors in physical development, physical characteristics of learners, children need to move, activities in schools, preschool and kindergarten, AIOU 8610 • #PhysicalDevelopment • #ChildPsychology • #AIOU


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