Audio Technica ATVM95E vs Ortofon 2M Red


Edit note: there is a typo in the video. The green headshell is an AT-95E (which has sharp corners) and not the newer AT-VM95E (which has cut corners). • Video showing the difference between the stock Audio Technica AT-95E (green) that comes with the AT-LP120USB turntable and an Ortofon 2M Red (mounted on a SH-4 headshell). • EDIT: I see many people asking to have the same levels for comparison. Sadly I don't have the source files anymore but I might edit the audio track. If so I will drop the link to the new video here. • Both cartriges have been calibrated before recording using a Baerwald protractor and tracking force properly adjusted using a precision scale. • No filters/EQs/adjustments were used, the sound was directly recorded from the turntable to Audacity using the embedded USB ACD in the turntable. • Music present: • 00:00 - Give Life Back To Music (Daft Punk - Random Access Memories) - 2013 • 01:54 - 立body機motion (Hiroyuki Sawano - Attack On Titan OST) - 2020 • 04:58 - Here Comes The Sun (The Beatles - Abbey Road) - 1969 • 07:10 - Love Me Do (The Beatles - 1) - 2015 • 08:40 - We Are The World (USA For Africa) - 1985


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