The Cloverfield Paradox How Mundys Arm Became Sentient Theories
We found the worms, guys. Here's my latest Cloverfield video, all about how Mundy's arm could've possibly still remained sentient after being disembodied. • LAST ARG UPDATE: • How The Cloverfield Paradox Connects... • GOD PARTICLE EXPLANATION: • God Particle: My Most Anticipated Mov... • OFFICIAL TAGRUATO WEBSITE: • 04282028 VIRAL MARKETING WEBSITE: • CLOVERVERSE SUBREDDIT: / cloververse • If you want to talk to other people passionate about solving the mysteries that Bad Robot is providing us with during this viral marketing/ARG, then check out the official Cloververse Discord to talk with me and others about everything going on! These people are seriously great, and the passion from this fanbase is seriously amazing. I can't recommend it enough. Link is on the Cloververse subreddit page. • FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Facebook: Frame By Frame Film Co. • Twitter: @jtimsuggs | @FBFFilmCo