Scallops Chawanmushi Japanese egg custard|Michelin starred Japanese chefs recipe|Japanese Cooking


Michelin starred chef shared smooth and rich Scallops Chawanmushi(Japanese egg custard) • This traditional Japanese dish needs some techniques to create more delicious. • Today, Mr. Suzuki will give you some tips! • Awarded one Michelin star for 13 consecutive years • Owner-chef of Kappo Susuki, • Mr. Yoshitsugu Suzuki • #鈴木好次 #japanesecooking #Michelin #recipe • #japanesecuisine  #割烹すずき #japanesefood #cookingschool • • He trained as a sushi chef, SUZUKI set up his own restaurant at the age of 29. He puts every effort into choosing his ingredients to cook “food that makes the most of its ingredients.” From the day SUZUKI opened his restaurant, he visits Tsukiji Market every day to carefully pick the ingredients he uses for his dishes. • ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー • Japanese Cooking:Online Japanese culinary certificate programs • ▶ • The flexible and affordable online Japanese culinary certificate program helps to expand your cooking skills and improve your career. This online program is designed for those who want to • learn the basics of Japanese cuisine and food culture. through e-learning. It is also designed to obtain certification.   • You can learn a wide range of knowledge systematically and comprehensively through online courses including food culture, seasonings, knife skills, seafood preparation techniques, basic • dashi making, and sushi making. With online learning, you can take this program at your home anytime, anywhere 24/7. All 81 videos are narrated in English. • ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー


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