In this video, we DISCUSSED HOW to COUNTER the TOP HEROES in the current Mobile Legends META. • COUNTER TOP HEROES PART 2: • WAYS TO COUNTER TOP HEROES PART 2 ||... • How to delay the enemy EXP Laner? : • HOW TO PLAY THE EXP LANE/OFFLANE EFFE... • EXP Lane Management guide: • DOMINATE THE EXP LANE WITH ARGUS!! ||... • ROAMER MISTAKES: • WORST ROAMER MISTAKES || MOBILE LEGEN... • JUNGLER MISTAKES: • WORST JUNGLER MISTAKES || MOBILE LEGE... • EXP LANE MISTAKES: • WORST EXP LANE MISTAKES || MOBILE LEG... • GOLD LANE MISTAKES: • WORST GOLD LANE MISTAKES || MOBILE LE... • MID LANE MISTAKES: • WORST MID LANE MISTAKES || MOBILE LEG... • Official merch here: https://dbringerstreams.myspreadshop.... • ====================================================== • Timestamp: • 0:00 What to expect in this video • 0:41 COUNTER LESLEY • 2:16 COUNTER CLAUDE • 2:57 COUNTER LING • 3:33 COUNTER ALPHA • 3:56 COUNTER FRANCO • 5:24 COUNTER BEATRIX • 6:03 COUNTER KHUFRA • 6:55 COUNTER LANCELOT • 7:48 COUNTER CHANG'E • 8:16 COUNTER NOVARIA • ====================================================== • Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. • Fair use: • ====================================================== • If you liked this video, you will love the following playlists: • REVAMPED ARGUS: • Revamped Argus Troll games, Game guid... • X.BORG GAME GUIDES: • XBORG GAMEGUIDES and STRATEGIES • LITERALY EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HILDA: • REVAMPED HILDA GAMEGUIDES and STRATEGIES • ====================================================== • Twitter: @DBringerStreams • Facebook Page: / dbringerstreams • E-mail: [email protected] • ====================================================== • Thumbnail Art: / • ====================================================== • Terminologies: • BS: Battle Spells are extra abilities any hero can equip. Never forget to check if you have the appropriate BS based on your line up and the enemy team's line up. This can only be set up prior the game which is during the draft pick/preparation phase. • CC: Crowd Control is the act of disabling heroes. (Stun, Slow, Silence, Root Etc.) • Objectives: Jungle Objectives such as the Turtle, Lord etc. This also includes Turrets, and of course, the opposing team's base. • Camping: The act of hiding and attempting to Gank a hero multiple times with the intent of preventing its growth. • Freeze/Lane Freezing: Act mostly done on the Side lanes to prevent over exposure. Mostly done during the earlier stages of the game, or when enemies aren't visible in the mini map. • Carry: Can be any hero with the potential of flipping the sides of the coin in battle, or in other words, carrying an entire team to victory! • MM/ADR: Marksmen also known as Attack Damage Ranged, are usually a squishy hero with low to minimal survivability which has the potential to carry the entire team especially in the late game if fed enough. Normally farms dominantly on the lane.(Bottom Lane) • Assassin/ADC: Attack Damage Carries also known as Assassins, are usually squishy but with high mobility, these heroes also has the potential to carry the entire team. Unlike MMs though, most if not all Assassins are melee. Normally uses the Jungle as a farming area as oppose to laning. • Offlaner: Usually are fighters or even tanks with good minion sweeping potential and high sustain and survivability. Though not the norm, some offlaners are known to have the potential to carry an entire team. Dominates the Top Lane. • Tank: High HP pool, high resilience, and survivability are the qualities of a Tank. Normally sacrifices itself for the Core Hero(es). • Support: Extremely versatile heroes which can either have high survivability, or hard CC, usually with skills able to empower a number of heroes with buffs, heals, etc. • #MLBB #MOBILELEGENDS #GAMEGUIDE #MLBBSeason #MLBBHero #moba #mobilegame #mobile #mobilemoba #bestmobilegame #bestmobilemoba #MOONTON #MLBB • ‪@ElginRay‬ ‪@MobileLegends5v5MOBA‬ ‪@MobileLegends_Indonesia‬ ‪@AxeMobileLegends‬ ‪@MobileLegendsCinema‬ ‪@MOBILELEGENDSTV‬ ‪@BetoskyGaming‬ ‪@Hororochan‬ ‪@ForeignFamousTV‬ ‪@mlbbcis‬ ‪@MLBBeSports‬ ‪@MLBBLATAM‬ ‪@MobileLegendsBangBangBrasil‬