Conventional vs Automated Mooring Of Cargo Ships Life At Sea
Life At Sea In The Merchant Marine Aboard A Cargo Ship • The conventional method of mooring utilizes large lines called hawsers that are sent from the ship to the dock using hydraulic or electronic winches. Lines are sent from both the bow and stern of the ship. Line handlers place these lines on large posts called bollards and then they are tightened up. This operation usually takes anywhere from 20-90 minutes and presents risks to the crew due to the nature of using heavy equipment and lines under great tension that could part and snapback. • Ports and shipping companies are always looking for ways to operate safer and more efficiently. Cavotec is a company that is introducing it’s new version of automated mooring called the MoorMaster NxG. The system can be installed in ports and utilizes vacuum technology to secure the ship to the berth, thus eliminating the need to use mooring lines, crew, and line handlers. The system boasts its ability to safely moor a ship in only 30 seconds once it’s in position. • Cavotec’s MoorMaster is already in use in ports around the globe. As their system becomes even more widely used, it will be interesting to see if their automated vacuum technology becomes the new conventional method of ship mooring operations. • Note: This video is not a paid promotion by Cavotec • #lifeatsea #mooring #cavotec