Peacemaker Meets ARGUS AgentsHis New Team l HBO Peacemaker
Upon returning to his trailer home, Smith is confronted by a group of A.R.G.U.S. agents led by Clemson Murn consisting of Emilia Harcourt, John Economos, and newcomer Leota Adebayo. Murn gives him the choice of returning to Belle Reve prison or joining a new mission dubbed Project Butterfly and Smith reluctantly accepts the latter. • Synopsis: • After recovering from the injuries he suffered during the events of The Suicide Squad (2021), Christopher Smith / Peacemaker returns home but learns that his freedom comes at a price. He is forced to join the mysterious A.R.G.U.S. black ops squad Project Butterfly , which is a mission to identify and eliminate parasitic butterfly-like creatures in human form in the United States and around the world. • #ARGUS #Peacemaker #JohnCena #ProjectButterfly #ChristopherSmith #AdrianChase #Vigilante #WhiteDragon #AmandaWaller #LeotaAdebayo #ClemsonMurn #EmiliaHarcourt #JohnEconomos #FreddieStroma #JamesGunn