Making a Snowman on the Lathe Part 1
Marion McDaniel has simultaneously belonged to more than a dozen woodturning clubs and has served on the SWAT board of directors for the past 18 years. Demonstrating his woodturning skills at SWAT and virtually every club around, Marion is best known for his snowmen – completing more than 6,000. • Marion shows us how he turns a snowman on the lathe. This demonstration is split into three parts.. • Part 1 - Turn and shape the snowman • Part 2 - Sand and Buff the snowman • Part 3 - turn the nose, add the eyes, mouth, button, and arms • This demonstration was filmed at the November 2016 meeting of the Golden Triangle Woodturners in Denton Texas. OUr meetings are open to the public. • The club meets the first Monday of each month at 7PM in the Center for the Visual Arts located at Hickory and Bell Streets in Denton, Texas. •