Kundalini Yoga for Strengthening the Magnetic Field
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ncmKhxcCgXM
This Kriya, originally taught by Yogi Bhajan, is guided here by Sat Dharam Kaur, and demonstrated by Sat Kaur. This was filmed at the Beyond Addiction course in Vancouver in 2012. • The music accompanying the first exercise is Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach by Satkirin Kaur. • The Yogi Bhajan meditation at 27:00 is called Patience Pays , from a CD called Relax and Meditate , available from www.spiritvoyage.com • The Yogi Bhajan talk at 33:30 is called Remember the Saint Within . • For more information, see http://www.kundaliniyogatraining.com or www.beyondaddiction.ca or email [email protected]