The BEST Meditation Technique NOBODY Uses Samatha Vs Dhyana


You don't have to be a Monk to reach Deep Meditation/Samadhi with Breathing Meditation. All you need is step-by-step, repeatable instructions. • In this video I show you exactly how to access deep meditation rapidly. • Why is this important? Because a mind with Samadhi (roughly translated as concentration but more accurately would be Unification of Mind) has extremely utility in garnering insight into the true nature of our experience - the real goal of deep meditation. Think of it like sharpening a sword to cut through ignorance of the mind. Unless we do this foundational stage, we go to battle with our minds with a blunt weapon and ultimately fail to make a dent in the armour of ignorance/delusion. • For that reason, I really do think most people undervalue the importance of Samadhi and often flail around in meditation hopelessly and call it a day. But you don't have to be one of those people now having seen this video and having learned some powerful tools through the grace of the interwebs. • I briefly mentioned this in the video, but this sequence is usually done before any type of meditation you see fit. Mindfulness Meditation, Dzogchen, Advaita Vedanta, Vipassana Meditation ect as a general rule of thumb. • None of this is dogmatic though. Different things work for different people. • In my experience a powerful strategy is to do this process for 5-15 minutes or however long it takes to become concentrated before switching into another technique (or just doing breathing meditation for the entirety of the practice if you like for really deep meditation/samadhi/meditative absorption). • Keep in mind sometimes it might take 20,30, maybe the whole sit to become concentrated if the mind has accrued a lot of baggage throughout the day. Not judging yourself and having aversion to any distraction won't help. • In case you're wondering I often do ~10 minutes or so minutes before spending another 50 in Non-Dual meditation practice/Vipashyana. • In my experience this is insanely helpful in reducing the 'stickyness' of distraction like thoughts and difficult emotions. While distractions can be there and can be used as a tool for insight, they are no longer identified with and can be seen clearly. • I hope this helps guys. • 👋 FOLLOW ME ELSEWHERE: • Website: • Instagram:   / sam_roff   • TIMESTAMPS: • 00:00 Introduction to How to Rapidly Access DEEP Meditation/Samadhi With Breathing Meditation • 01:05 Become embodied. • 02:03 Quick way to dramatically improve meditation quality. • 03:13 Continuity of Breath • 05:29 Completeness of Breath • 07:08 Advanced tip • Let me know in the comments if you found this useful and will be implementing any portion of this system to give me a sweet little dopamine hit 😌. Feel free to let me know if I missed anything too. 🙏 • ✅ SUBSCRIBE:    / @samroff   • 🎥 MY GEAR • Camera • Microphone • Microphone Arm • Laptop • External HardDrive • SD cards for Camera (I use 2) • Lighting • Full Studio Gear List • The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. If you wish to support me, purchasing through these links will give me a small commission ♥️


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