Ericson 32 Sailboat Tour Sailboat Story 4
Here's a walkthrough tour of an Ericson 32 sailboat. • Since we're currently on the hunt for our own sailboat, we thought it would be helpful to compare contrast our friend's Ericson 32 against our own liveaboard sailboat requirements. • This particular Ericson is pretty close to what we're looking for in a sailboat of our own in terms of size, features, and layout. • Follow along and get a better understanding of what we are looking for as we move closer to buying a sailboat of our own! • • Thanks for watching!! • Ben, Tambi, Molly | S/V Sandflea | SAILBOATSTORY • • ****** BECOME A PATRON *********************************** • / sailboatstory ||| Pledge anything from $1 to $50 per video we create. This is the BEST way that you can help us continue making these videos. Consider signing up today! • • ****** SEND A PAYPAL DONATION *************************** • ||| Use this link to send a 1-time Paypal donation. We'll certainly put the funds to good use to keep the cameras rolling and the adventure growing. • • ****** GET CONNECTED ************************************* • / sailboatstory ||| FACEBOOK • / sailboatstory ||| TWITTER • / sailboatstory ||| INSTAGRAM • • ****** MANTUS MARINE ************************************* • ||| This is the place to go when it's time to upgrade your anchor. Nothing beats the holding power of a Mantus anchor in a wide variety of bottom substrates. We went with the 45lb model. • • ******* ASK A QUESTION ************************************* • ||| What do you want to know? Ask us anything and we'll answer your question in an upcoming Q A segment.