Pigeon peasCajanus cajan pt2 Conclusion Glutamic acidThe missing link in sickle cell disease
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This video is part 2 conclusion on Pigeon peas Cajanus cajan which contains glutamic acid an amino acid which is the missing link in treating sickle cell disease. This is verified by a study done by Adjene et Al in 2020 Nigeria, Africa. L Glutamate has been approved by the FDA since 2007 to treat sickle cell disease. • ENCOURAGING NUTRITIONAL DIET OF CAJANUS CAJAN MAY SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA https://www.researchgate.net/publicat... • Clinical evaluation of extract of Cajanus cajan (Ciklavit) in sickle cell anaemia - PubMed https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15917...