Clothing Haul Try On TweenTeen Edition
#middleschool #clothinghaul #clothingtryon #smallyoutuber #6thgrade #backtoschoolclothing #clothinginspo #cuteclothingideas #cuteoutfitideas #schooloufitideas #mightgetdresscoded #cute #ideasforoutfits #outfits #clothing #haul #tryon #clothes #newclothes #brandnew #almost1k • hello!!! in today's video I did a little fun clothing haul and try on but I don't know the brands these clothes are from so I didn't include where they're from. If you guys would like to support me go ahead and push that subscribe button, it's free! You can also turn on post notifications if your would like to be notified every time my videos go live or get posted, or come back every Tuesday Friday! • A B O U T M E: • hey there, my name is Iniya and on my channel I post videos about productivity, lifestyle, creativity, design and being a 6th grader. i love sharing my tips for students seeking knowledge on how to be productive. currently I have 50, who I am super grateful for, but my goal is to reach 100 subs by the end of 2021 and with your help, i believe i can reach that goal. • A B O U T T H E C H A N N E L: • I also post bonus videos if i have time on other days of the week which are usually time-lapsed mandala drawings. Come back every tuesday and friday for new content and videos. • S T A L K M E (not literally): • Insta : @officially_iniya • Q A N D A: • [How old am I-----11 years old] • [What grade am I in-----6th grade] • [my posting schedule-----tuesdays and fridays] • [my favorite part of YouTube-----the community and how you can find people who like things similar to what you like] • [What do I use to film my videos-----My Samsung S7 tablet] • [what do I use to edit my videos-----my tablet on an app called Capcut] • [are you a younger or older sibling-----older] • [where do you live-----in California] • B U S I N E S S E M A I L: • [email protected]