Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Exercises Meralgia Paresthetica
This man describes how he healed his hernia without surgery. He learned about healing a hernia without surgery using safe, comfortable breath-based exercises and movements designed to help the body heal itself. • The full video, Heal Your Hernia From The Inside Out, is available on Vimeo: • Acquire knowledge and movement tools to facilitate the body’s ability to heal hernias from the inside out without surgery. • Rewire your posture habits by changing your brain’s software • Tone your trunk muscles using the movements of breathing • Do exercises that create more space for your abdominal organs • Reduce pressure and compression on the abdominal wall • It is very exciting that hernias can heal without surgery. My name is Michaelle Edwards, creator of YogAlign and FitAlign Posture training and I am looking forward to sharing this information with people suffering from hernias of all kinds and hopefully many more will heal from the inside out without using Mesh which is basically a band-aid that does not deal with the global postural patterns that lead to hernias. • Zander Phelps, athlete and YogAlign teacher healed his hernia without surgery! He is 8 years pain-free and no hernia~