Intrapersonal Communication


Work with me • • Make a Bigger Difference with Communication Skills Mastery • For a FREE Blackbelt Communication Skills Video Training Series, visit • • See what my clients say: • • Join a Weekly Online NVC Practice Group • • Brought to you by Kalapa Wisdom School for Changemakers • Alan Rafael Seid began studying Nonviolent Communication (NVC) with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D. in 1995. He has been a CNVC Certified Trainer since 2003. • Alan works with Changemakers — people committed to both making a difference and working on themselves — and he shares with them tools, skills, and coaching so that they can fulfill their purpose powerfully. • • Transcription of this video (edited and revised): • Intrapersonal Communication - Edited and Revised Transcript • by Alan Seid • Hi, this is Alan Seid with Cascadia Workshops and the Blackbelt Communication Skills online learning program. • So much of the time in my workshops, with my clients, my work is about interpersonal communication, communication between people. • The topic of intrapersonal communication is absolutely essential. • If you think about it, what gets in the way of me being honest with you, with me being transparent with you, one of the limiting factors is how connected I am with myself. If I don’t even know what’s going on inside me, how can I possibly share honestly what’s going on for me, if I have no idea? • Likewise, if I’m on the listening side of things, if I’m trying to be present, what gets in the way of me being able to be present is if I have too much going on for me. • How I connect with what’s happening inside me and how I communicate is really essential. • Intrapersonal communication becomes essential for the interpersonal communication. • So often we find that how we communicate with ourselves is how we communicate with each other and how we treat each other. • In my workshops I often ask, OK, when you feel like you’re less than perfect, when you feel like you totally screwed up, how do you talk to yourself? And we write them down on a board. What we find is that people are brutal with themselves. We tend to really judge and criticize ourselves when we do something that appears to be a mistake or when we messed up. • We get to work with that by transforming the way we speak to ourselves. We’re not trying to get rid of the judgments, but if we can connect with the life energy beneath them, the feeling and the needs, we can begin to transform the ways that we talk to ourselves in order to be healthier and more life serving. • Feelings and Needs Vocabulary Contributes to Healthier Intrapersonal Communication • One of the things that I find really helps in my intrapersonal communication, and also in the interpersonal communication, is developing a vocabulary around feelings and needs. • So often I have something happening inside of me. Some kind of feeling or energy and I don’t even have the words for it. If I don’t have the words for it, it’s going to make it very, very difficult for me to describe to you what it is that’s happening inside me. • We can use words as windows or as walls. I can use my words to block you out and not give you access to what’s happening inside me. • With feelings and needs vocabulary I can use words more as windows and try to give you access to what my interior experience is. • Likewise, I might be able to more easily access what your interior experience is and ... • YouTube won't let me add any more info. :-(


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