Introduction to Crystallization and Precipitation
Crystallization and precipitation touch every aspect of our lives from the foods we eat and the medicines we take to the fuels we use to power our communities. The majority of agrochemical and pharmaceutical products go through many crystallization steps during their development and manufacture, key food ingredients such as lactose and lysine are delivered to humans and animals as crystals and the unwanted crystallization of gas hydrates in deep sea pipelines is a major safety concern for the petrochemical industry. • • This presentation discusses the fundamentals of crystallization and precipitation. First, we will start with the idea of 'What is Crystallization and Precipitation'? Basically, crystallization is a process whereby crystalline product is formed out of other phases, be they solid, liquid, or vapor. Typically, what we’re talking about – crystallization – is the formation of a solid from a liquid, from a solution or a saturated solution. So really, we're talking about solids forming from a liquid. • Crystals themselves have a pretty fixed definition. They are solids in which the constituent molecules, atoms, or ions are arranged in some fixed and rigid repeating three-dimensional pattern or lattice. It essentially says that you have an array of molecules that are arranged in some fixed, repeating structure. This might be an example like salt, sodium chloride, but you can also get a more complex molecular arrangement forming crystals. • 0:09 What is Crystallization? • 2:19 Types of Batch Crystallization • 3:50 Why is crystallization important? • 4:56 Importance of Crystallization • 5:51 Crystallization - Improving Process and Product