●. Enjoy the video? Subscribe! .● • Choice Scarf Araquanid + Tera Water + Water Bubble + Rain = GG • ▶ On the last video, I showed why Sceptile still has a home in the OU tier as an Expert Belt attacker. Check it out! - • Why Sceptile Remains a Strong Contend... • ▶ Join this channel to get access to perks: / @lordemvee • When your opponent makes A raq-it Ua Nid to silence them. Hope you enjoy Choice Scarf Tera Water Araquanid in the Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet Indigo Disk OU tier! :) • Team Importable: • I saw a comment on my recent Snorlax video talking about Choice Scarf Araquanid and immediately my mind thought about how Dracovish would spam fast Fishious Rends when it was around. I knew I had to build around this Pokemon and what better way to do so than on a Rain team. With Tera Water, Water Bubble, and the Rain boost, Liquidations become extremely powerful even without Choice Band. With Choice Scarf, you turn from a spider to an F8 spider with enough speed to outrun max speed Great Tusk. Naturally I decided to pair Araquanid with Pelipper for Rain. Then I added two dangerous and unique Rain abusers in Choice Specs Talonflame with priority Hurricane, and Swift Swim Beartic with Loaded Dice Icicle Spears and a mean Tera Ground Earthquake. Since I have a clear weakness to Stealth Rocks with these members, I patched up the team by adding two excellent supporters in Magic Bounce Hatterene and Rapid Spin AV Iron Treads. Both of these Pokemon help a lot to keep hazards off the field. :) • Twitter: • Music: 'Confession Secret' (Remix) from Persona 5 • 00:00 Introduction and Araquanid Team Overview • 03:21 Beartic and Talonflame Applying Pressure • 09:43 A Little Taste Of The Power Of Araquanid • 14:11 Choice Scarf Araquanid Puts In The Work • 17:31 First Mistake Was Challenging Araquanid • 22:22 Difficult Match Against Strong Sun Team • 29:20 Another Weather War This Time Vs. Veil • 38:16 This Is Why Sub SD Beartic Is A Monster • #PokemonScarlet #PokemonViolet #CompetitivePokemon