Neuroscience of Psychotherapy Dan Siegel Schore Fonagy Otto Kernberg


Joke at the end :-) Interpersonal Neurobiology. The interactions we have with one another shape our mental world. Psychotherapy when based on a trusting, safe and emotionally significant relationship (right to right brain) helps the rational left brain sooth and modulate the affective right hemisphere, and the cortex in general to exert top down inhibition of the emotion generating limbic system. • Psychotherapy Networker: Why Neuroscience Matters. Concrete Strategies for Your Practice. It features Dan Siegel, M.D., a clinical professor at the UCLA School of Medicine, codirector of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, executive director of the Mindsight Institute, and the founding editor of the Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology. His books include The Developing Mind, Mindsight, and The Mindful Therapist. The Neuroscience webcast series is a 6 session streaming-video webcast series that can be purchased with or without 6 CEs. The series features interview-style sessions with other leading therapists in the field including Rick Hanson, Louann Brizendine, Michael Gelb, Norman Doidge, Stephen Porges, with moderator Rich Simon. • • Tags: Kenneth V. Hardy. Allan Schore Affect Regulation. Alice Miller. Bruce Perry. Peter Fonagy - mental based therapy - MBT. Gabor Mate. Otto Kernberg - transference focus therapy - TFT - TFP. John Bowlby. Sir Richard Bowlby. Heinz Kohut. Winnicott. Neurons that fire together, wire together. Brain-Scan. fmtr - fmri. Education, Creativity and the Mind. Early Childhood Brain Development and Communiation. WHO - key fact Nr. 332. Damasio - Descartes error. The Polyvagal Theory. Flight, Fight, Freeze. Right brain - left brain. Prefrontal Cortex - limbic system - ACC Cortex. High road - low road thinking. Daniel Kahneman. Fast and slow thinking. Dopamintheory. Psychopharmaka. Borderline Disorder. Schizophrenia. Autism. Bonding. Secure Attachment. Theory of Mind. Mentalizing. Therapy 21. Century. Creativity Cognition. Metacognition. Gregory Bateson. Paul Watzlawick. Eric Berne. Daniel Stern - now moments. Daniel Mackler, NewYork. Rashmi Sinha. Maria Steuer. Sarah Swann - rightmindtherapy. Gazzangia. Richard Ivry. George Mangun. Soheil Ahaddian, Beverly Hills - Countertransference. Mark Johnson. Joseph E. LeDoux. Louis Cozolino. Bonnie Badenoch. Mark Solms. Wolfgang Prinz. Jermey Holmes. Eva Rass. Manuela Rösel. Roberto Cabeza. Alan Kingston. Functional Neuroimaging of Cognition.


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