What does Ayurveda say about meat? Should we be vegetarian? • In this video Mark Bunn gives some quick tips on whether eating meat is okay or vegetarianism is the best option. Physical, mental and spiritual health are all considered. • • Instagram: / dharmicliving108 • Subscribe to our YouTube Channel above. • • What is Dharmic Living? • Dharmic Living (Or Vedic Living) Is ‘Life as Nature Intended’ • The most enlightened cultures throughout history, have all understood that the intelligence that underpins all life is expressed through specific ‘laws of nature’. We humans are intimately connected to these universal, eternal laws – ‘As is the macrocosm, so is the microcosm’, ‘As is the cosmic body so is the human body’, ‘As out there, so in here’. • The result of this cosmic connection is that these natural laws determine how we are designed to live in order to succeed in the ‘game of life’. These laws govern everything from how we metabolize and digest food, how we sleep, what work or vocations are best for us, how daily and seasonal cycles affect us as well as how we can best align our lives with Nature’s highest wisdom. • When we live in tune with the immutable laws of nature, it’s like swimming with the currents of a river. We as if flow downstream, riding with nature, rather than battling upstream. The result is that life is less stressful, less taxing, we enjoy better health, and feel more contented. • Dharma, is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘that which upholds and supports our highest evolution’. Ultimately, Dharmic Living is an attempt to condense timeless spiritual wisdom into a useable framework by which we, the unenlightened, can evolve towards higher states of consciousness, higher states of bliss and to experience a permanent state of peace and contentment. • *Dharmic Living was founded by Mark Bunn as a way to crystallise his own attempts to find a way beyond his own lack of inner contentment. If sitting at the top of a mountain represents the pinnacle of human existence (enlightenment), Mark is still bumbling along the path, alternating between successful climbing and periodic falls and descents! • #dharmicliving #ayurvedavideos #Ayurveda #meat #vegetarianism #vegetarian #food #AyurvedicMedicine #Vegetarianism #Ayurveda #sukhavati