Part 14 Lets Play Divinity Original Sin 2 Tactician
We will try getting through the entire game finally! One of my all time favorite turn based rpg games, from the creators of Baldurs Gate III. This game has imo one of the best turn based combat systems among larger rpg games like Baldurs Gate, Pillars of Eternity and Pathfinder. Leveling is not as massive, but the actual combats are more interesting and poses more tactical decicions imo. • Playlist: • If you enjoyed it and want to see more like it, leave a comment, ask a question, suggest a game for my next playlist or even subscribe if you want to make my day ;) Also if you have any advice on the game or on the quality of what I deliver, do not hesitate to suggest something! • You can also catch me on twitch here / casualviking89 • or join me on discord / discord to interact!