Orb of Dragonkind DragonLance Saga
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Also known as Dragon Orbs, Orbs of Dragonkind were forged specifically to defeat Dragons in the Third Dragon War, which were inspired by the Dragon Stones from the First Dragon War. Let’s dive into their history and powers. Buy Wings of Fury: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/... • Like, Subscribe Click The Bell • Become a Member: / dragonlancesaga • Buy Dragonlance Books: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.p... • #DragonOrb #OrbOfDragonkind #DragonStones #DragonLance #Krynn #HeroesOfTheLance • Transcript • On more than one video I have conflated the Dragon Stones with the Dragon Orbs, and they are not the same. Let’s explore their evolution and connection for clarity. • Intro • Welcome to another DragonLance Saga episode. My name is Adam and today we are going to talk about the Orbs of Dragonkind. I would like to take a moment and thank my collaborator patrons, the Heroes of the Lance, and invite you to consider becoming a patron or member of this channel by visiting the links in the description below. You can even pick up Dragonlance gaming materials using my affiliate link. I have referenced modules and sourcebooks from every edition for this information. • Discussion • For background on the creation of the Orbs of Dragonkind, we have to travel back into prehistory, sometime in the Age of Dreams. The Gold Dragon Aurican was fascinated by the elves. When the elves chose to live in the forests that would come to be known as Silvanesti, they discovered it was already inhabited by the Dark Queen’s chromatic dragons. They didn’t take kindly to the elves' actions, and the First Dragon War began in secret. Crematia, an ancient and evil red dragon, formed an army of chromatic dragons and ogres. While the metallic dragons were mourning the loss of the Scion, Bard Pattersmith. Crematia had the ogres attack the elves from the north. After days of bloodshed, the elves successfully beat the ogres into a brief retreat. Then the chromatic dragons came. Dragonfear paralized the elves, who were no match for the dragons they didn’t even realize were back in the world. • The female metallic dragons demanded that the males leave the grotto after the scions death, and Aurican decided to visit Silvanesti to check up on the progress of the burgeoning elven nation under the influence of Silvanos their leader. As soon as they saw the devastation laid to the elven nation, realizing that the chromatic dragons returned to krynn, they traveled to the Khalkist mountains, the evil dragons birthplace and were ambushed and decimated by Crematia’s dragon kin. Only Darlantan, the Silver dragon and Aurican the gold dragon made it out alive. You see, the good dragons did not have spell casting ability in these ancient times, a deficiency that led to their downfall. As Darlantan returned to the battle using guerilla tactics to successfully strike blow after blow to Crematia’s forces, Aurican left to the realm of the gods in search of Magic. • Elven history relates that Aurican took with him three elven sages, brothers Fayal Padran, Parys Dayl, and Kayn Wytsnall. The three gods Nuitari, Solinari and Lunitari, perhaps with the approval of Paladine, forged five powerful gems, the Dragon Stones which Aurican brought back to Krynn. The Dragon Stones are large and bright, colored with one of the five chromatic dragon’s colors. The purpose of the Dragon Stones was to trap the chromatic dragons souls. They left the stones in the care of Silvanos himself while they turned the tide on the war. Aurican would take one stone at a time to a chromatic wing, using Darlantan as bait, then ambush them with the Dragon Stone. They successfully used this tactic on three of the dragon wings, leaving the Blue and Red dragons remaining. After each dragon stone was used, an elf on griffon back would deposit them into the fiery reaches of the Khalkist Mountains. • It was about this time the Blue Dragon Stone was stolen from the elves by the Ogre Lord Barc Darrontale. It was recovered by the Elderwild of Kagonos. The blue dragons overwhelmed Darlantan, killing him, and Silvanos himself picked up the Blue Dragon Stone and trapped their souls within. Thus ending the First Dragon War, with Crematia going into hiding, leaving the red Dragons Stone unused. Now the dwarves' history claims that they discovered the stones when delving Thorin, and sought to take them to the Lords of Doom for destruction, but Crematia claims to have threatened to bring destruction onto the dwarves if she didn't receive the stones. After hundreds of years, she finally received them all, and took them to the Lords of Doom. It was here Takhisis destroyed the stones, releasing the dragon's spirits...