Black guy poggers has a seizureoriginal w sound
To most of you, he has no name. He is the Poggers guy. or the Pogchamp guy. Or something else of the nature. But to those who know his story better, Gootecks is a man who's story is that of a great tragedy. In this video, we will kickstart a new era of Fallen Titans by exploring that very story. • Who is the Poggers Guy? What does Poggers mean? And why has Twitch now banned their most popular emoticon? Today, all of these answers will be questioned. I stayed up for 26 hours making this video, here's some tags. #pogchamp #pog #champ #poggers #pogface #face • Fallen Titans intro by: / benbasic • Ghost Writing by: / krushgroovin • My Twitch ➱ / quintonreviews • My Patreon ➱ / qreview • My Twitter ➱ / q_review • Our Reddit ➱ / quintonreviews • My Instagram ➱ / quintonreviews • My Facebook ➱ / quintonreviewsthekitchensink • My Merch ➱ • Aliens Don’t Like White People Merch ➱ • My Tumblr ➱ / quinton-reviews • Our Lore Wiki ➱