Showgrounds Express Trains 2023
The Royal Show is back... and so are the express trains!? • Last year during the Royal Show most train enthusiasts thought it would be the last time Showgrounds Express trains ever ran, because due to the opening of the Airport Line, train headways would supposedly be too tight to allow a feasible express service in between. I made this video commemorating the so-thought last time ( • Showgrounds Express Trains 2022 ), but turns out that is not the case, and express trains are back for the 2023 show along with the normal Fremantle and Airport Line services, just even slower than they were before. In this video we take the full journey of the first express train for the year from Perth to Showgrounds, along with @MetroManDownUnder . @justinmaster86 also joins me at the end, as he then filmed the first express train towards Perth for his channel, which you can watch here: • [Slower Royal Show] Transperth FRE B-... • Filmed on: 23/09/2023.