Shining Star Fred Astaire
Edited by Laura • Made for Fun, not Profit • **Program Used: Sony Vegas 13 • •• Watch in 720p •• • Follow me on Twitter @ / editedbylaura • DESCRIPTION// • A tribute to Fred Astaire and the greatest tap dancing routines from the first 20 years of his illustrious film career (from 1933 to 1953). • FRED ASTAIRE FILMS FEATURED IN THIS VIDEO; • Dancing Lady (1933) • Flying Down to Rio (1933) • The Gay Divorcee (1934) • Roberta (1935) • Top Hat (1935) • Follow the Fleet (1936) • Swing Time (1936) • A Damsell in Distress (1937) • Shall We Dance (1937) • Carefree (1938) • Broadway Melody of 1940 (1940) • Second Chorus (1940) • You'll Never Get Rich (1941) • Holiday Inn (1942) • You Were Never Lovelier (1942) • The Sky's the Limit (1943) • Ziegfeld Follies (1946) • Blue Skies (1946) • Easter Parade (1948) • The Barkley's of Broadway (1949) • Three Little Words (1950) • Royal Wedding (1951) • The Belle of New York (1952) • The Band Wagon (1953) • He is the most interesting, the most inventive, the most elegant dancer of our times. You see a little bit of Astaire in everybody's dancing. A pause here, a move there. It was all Astaire's originally - George Balanchine • I HAVE FINALLY MADE A FRED ASTAIRE TRIBUTE!! I am so excited that I have finally made something for this wonderfully talented human being. To be honest, it's ludicrous that it's taken me this long! I love Fred SO MUCH. He's my happy place. Whenever I'm feeling down, I put on one of his films and he never fails to cheer me up. Whether he's singing a Gershwin tune or tapping those lightning quick feet of his- he always manages to bring a smile to my face. Fred Astaire truly was an extraordinary performer, an innovative choreographer and an underrated actor. There'll never be anyone like him ever again. • So Shining Star is just a short, fun, upbeat tribute to his greatest tap-dancing numbers. No ballroom numbers, no slower numbers- all upbeat. And I tried to include as many of his solo routines as I could. Also I tried to do as many of his lesser known numbers as possible- so, in other words, I tried not to make it entirely a showcase of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE FRED AND GINGER- I just think that there aren't enough tributes on YouTube to his time as a solo performer, as compared to say Gene Kelly. It's impossible not to compare the careers of Fre Astaire and Kelly and debate who was the better dancer, choreographer, on-screen personality etc. Just for the record, I am firmly Team Fred Astaire. In my opinion, there is no debate. Astaire is the original, the greatest. As Kelly himself said, The history of dance on film begins with Astaire . And it's true. The creativity and orignality Astaire applied to the musical genre throughout his career (particularly in the 1930's, when musicals were still fairly new to the movie-going public) paved the way for the Gene Kelly and Bob Fosse's of the world. Everything they concieved was only possible because they were following in Astaire's footsteps. • I love to include film recommendations in my actor/actress tributes, so firstly I would like to recommend ALL 10 of the Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers films. They are all excellent. As for the other films contained in this video, I would recommend- in chronological order- Dancing Lady (though be warned his role is very brief), Broadway Melody of 1940 , Holiday Inn , You Were Never Lovelier , Easter Parade , Royal Wedding and The Band Wagon . Honestly you can't go too wrong with any of his films really. Astaire is absolutely terrific. Even his worst films are worth watching for the incredible song and dance numbers. I promise you won't be bored if you dive head first into his filmography.