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Dark Souls 3 Siegward of Catarina: • In this video, I show you guys how to do Siegward of Catarina's Questline in Dark Souls 3. To do this, you will have to help Sieward with several rescues and a boss fight! Be sure to subscribe for more Dark Souls 3 if this helped you out! • ----------------------------------------------------------- • Questline Timeline: All is shown in the video. • 1. Talk to him at the lift in undead settlement coming from the Cliff Underside Bonfire • 2. Drop down from the elevator onto the ledge and prepare to fight the Fire Demon with him. • 5. Defeat the Deacons of the Deep, and return to the Clensing Chapel Bonfire. Here outside of the Cathedral you will find Sieward stuck in a well. • 4. Buy the firelink key from the maiden at the firelink shrine, then go up the tower to get trapped by patches. Free yourself (As I do in the video) then talk with Patches again to buy Sieward's Armor Set • 5. Go back to the Clensing Chapel Bonfire to return him his armor. • 6. Meet him in the kitchen area in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. ***MAKE SURE TO DO THIS BEFORE PROCEEDING INTO IRYTHLL DUNGEON. • 7. Go through Irythll Dungeon to find the Old Cell Key to Free Sieward from his cell. • 8. Continue onto Profaned Capital, here you will go to his cell to free Sieward. This Cell is near the NPC that drops Logan's Scroll. Jump off the roof into a window to free him. • 9. Go back to the bonfire, rest up, and take on the boss Yhorm the Giant. • 10. Here Sieward of Catarina will join you to take on the boss in an Epic finish of his Questline • 11. Return to firelink shrine, then go back to Yhorm the Giant's Bonfire, here Sieward's of Catarina's Armor will lie. • ----------------------------------------------------------- • Dark Souls 3 Guides Playlist: http://full.sc/1Si35mK • Stay Connected: • Snapchat: UnitedGamer101 • Skype: UnitedGamer101 • Instagram - / unitedgamer101 • Twitter - / unitedgamer101 • ------------------------------------------------------------