Steel Division 2 Cinematic Battle of TannenbergLine town assault HD4K Ultra


GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 | NVIDIA TITAN RTX • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz • Memory: 128 GB RAM (127.87 GB RAM usable) • If you enjoy these videos, please like and subscribe! • 0:00 Start of Match • 3:53 US Bazooka team snipes at Stug III • 10:31 Arrival of Free French infantry convoy with US armor escort • 15:32 German forces breach center lines and overrun US hill positions in the center • 17:10 Mending German breach via defensive gun AT-battery and 4-column US armor push • 19:28 Combined Free-French and US armor counter-strike on right of the map. Seizing of the townlet and it's church • 21:30 Start of major counterstrike on central map, spearheaded by US infantry company infiltration mounded-forest • 25:18 Sweeping and securing right-flank of US central mound position and consolidating armor in it as new rallying point • 27:39 Stopping German intrusion on the left-flank of the US front line positions • 29:06 Preparation for US advance along the central-position via smoke barrage, followed by artillery bombardment of central town from 'Long Toms' • 32:05 Initial advance along US central position with mixed-armor and infantry to seize the right-outskirts of the main central town • 35:19 Assembly of large US armor elements on left-flank in preparation for a front-wide advance • 35:36 Fixing disarray in the left-flank in preparation for coordinated front-wide advance • 36:25 Main thrust of US central advance in full effect with several companies of US infantry committed to assaulting the main central town in urban warfare, supported by armor at the outskirts and close-in mobile machine gun support via half-tracks • 37:51 Start of major US armor advance on the left-flank, in-coordination, and to support major US infantry thrust into the central town • 38:43 Assault and seizure of central town main-street and church under smoke concealment • 41:09 Start of major counter-assault of the right-flank led by 8 companies of Free-French forces advancing along the 3 main avenues with support from a squadron of US armor for ranged support • 42:29 Seizing final 1/3 of the central town, heavy street-fighting. US infantry engaged in house-hopping tactics with machine gun support from half tracks • 45:20 Arrival of US armor squadron at the extreme right-flank to help Free French forces consolidate and sweep up German defenses • 47:51 Free French forces and US armor briskly chipping away at German resistance • 52:03 US armor and Free French infantry starting to envelop sparse German resistance on the right-flank of the line • 4k-HD playback video for a relaxing team-match between 2 players playing US (custom 3rd Armored 2nd Infantry stacks) + 2 allied AIs of Free-French forces fighting against 2 very-hard AI German divisions. 4K-HD video allowed for much finer resolution, and I was able to zoom in much closer and follow infantry in individual engagements within forests and towns which are now easier to observe in the playback. • Free French forces were exclusively infantry units and some RAF air support units, and were mostly deployed on the right of the map with some US armor escort/support units, though light elements of Free-French infantry were also mixed in the center with the US divisions. Throughout the match, the human team practiced combined-arms coordination, using tanks as anchor units to secure rear and side-positions, and provide close-in fire-support while infantry units assaulted and seized towns. Team also practiced covering/smoke screen deployments prior to infantry advances to obfuscate rally-points and approach-avenues from direct fire assaults from German heavy guns and artillery. Team own-artillery were also used primarily are preparation for assault points in towns to minimize own-casualty.


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