Ultimate No Till Food Plots
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=o7uPTcEL978
The ultimate no till food plot system is a strategy for planting food plots that I developed in the early 2000s, and is one of my original whitetail habitat and hunting concepts. This no till planting method allows you to plant without tractors, no till drills or other expensive equipment. If your goal is to plant with 10s of thousands of dollars of expensive equipment - this food plot planting system is not for you. However, if your goals include high powered Summer and Fall annual rotations with the added capabilities of building the soil, avoiding erosion concerns and giving you the ability to plant nearly every food plot seed variety on the planet - then the ultimate no till system is for you! An ATV, hand held spreader, ATV sprayer and a quality cultipacker like the Packermaxx are the perfect tools for planting your no till food plots. If you follow the steps in this video along with several more videos that will follow, you can find easy food plot success this planting season! • Make sure to check out the Packermaxx at https://www.packermaxx.com/. it is simply one of the best cultipackers I have seen and is an important piece of any food plot planting equipment - No Till or not!