Copperheads 7 Serum ceruloplasmin test for Wilsons disease CC
Video description: serum ceruloplasmin, and how to interpret its concentration values • Description box contents: • A. Accessibility • B. Where to find Wilson's disease Copperheads • C. Resources • D. Copperhead community rules • E. About Wilson's disease Copperheads • F. Music and images • A. ACCESSIBILITY • All Wilson's disease Copperheads videos have Closed Captions (CC). • All Wilson's disease Copperheads images have content descriptions. • B. WHERE TO FIND WILSON'S DISEASE COPPERHEADS • List of current and future videos: • Youtube videos on Wednesdays! • Instagram drawings on Sundays! • Facebook updates every day! • Email, any time! [email protected] • C. RESOURCES • Here is a regularly-updated resource library! • D. COPPERHEAD COMMUNITY RULES • 1. We do: educate and support all Wilson’s disease patients, as well as their relatives, partners, friends, loved ones, doctors, or anyone who wants to learn more about WD. • 2. We do: love science and scientific evidence. If our videos or anyone in the comments says something you think is factually wrong, feel free to correct them, but back your correction with proper sources. • 3. We do: try to answer all comments and questions posted in or sent to our official social media accounts (YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook). • 4. We do: ask you to write as clearly as you can, but also to not mock or insult others for their spelling and/or grammar. • 5. We do: ask you to use language that’s respectful and suitable for all audiences; young people deserve access to information too. • 6. We do: have an overall content warning for explicit discussion of: • Physical and mental health problems • Doctor and hospital visits • Medical tests and surgeries • Death • 7. We do: allow you to discuss the details of your medical history in our official social media accounts if you want and if you are over 18. Please do not discuss the details of your medical history in public if you’re a minor due to legal concerns. Also, please do not discuss the details of somebody else’s medical history because we cannot confirm that they consented to you doing so. • 8. We don’t: tolerate ableism, health-based discrimination, sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, classism, or any other oppressive behavior. • 9. We don’t: support eugenics (the idea that certain people or groups should not reproduce or should not be born). • 10. We do: respect a diversity of religious beliefs, but ask you to keep religious talk to a minimum. Instead of “I’m praying for you” you could try “you’re in my thoughs”; instead of “God is with you” you could try “I am with you”; etc. • 11. We do: let you know that if you don’t respect our community rules, you might receive a warning, your comment might get deleted, or your profile might get blocked (depending on the severity of the offense). • E. ABOUT WILSON'S DISEASE COPPERHEADS • Hello Copperheads! My name is Cupri (that’s an alias I’m using to protect myself from possible health-based discrimination from future employers). I do not know yet if I’m a carrier or a patient of Wilson’s disease. I’ve been stuck in diagnostic limbo since July 2016; during this time, I’ve put my biology degrees to good use by learning everything I can about WD. • WD is a rare and complicated genetic disease. Most patients and their close ones are lost and confused because there simply aren’t any good resources out there that explain all the details in terms the average person can understand. I have spent so many hours of my life educating people, that I have finally decided to gather all my educational resources in one place. • WD is a autosomal recessive genetic condition that affects copper metabolism. Patients are rare (1 in 30,000) but carriers are relatively common (1 in 90). If left untreated, WD causes death in 100% of cases. Thankfully, there is effective treatment available, but it is still a difficult disease to live with! Especially because many doctors are not familiar with it and don’t know how to treat WD patients. The goal of Wilson’s Disease Copperheads is to change this by promoting education and awareness about WD! • Follow our social media accounts, join our learning community, and contribute to the conversation about WD! • F. MUSIC AND IMAGES • Intro/outro music: Fastest Man on Earth by Jahzzar