Richard Brown KGOTV Sept 24 1994
With co-anchor Terilyn Joe absent in this 35 minute newscast, Richard did it solo at 11 PM. • The Presidio in San Francisco was transitioning to a National Park, with Leslie Brinkley reporting on the tentative plans for this former U.S. Army fort. • @4:23 Ken Wayne reports on Naval reservists being shorted on pay with Lt. Commander Keith Lowry profiled on the shortfall. • @6:45, this date marked the opening of The Great Mall in Milpitas. • @9:22, update on the O.J. Simpson trial. • Other news of regional, national, and international prominence reported in this newscast . . . no additional spoilers. • @16:40 Brian Hackney reports Weather • @19:45 Martin Wyatt with Sports.