CRC Mass Air Flow MAF Sensor Cleaner Instructional Video


Most fuel-injected vehicles are equipped with a mass air flow sensor, or “MAF” sensor to measure the amount and density of air entering the engine. This is information the computer uses to determine how much fuel to inject into the engine for combustion as air enters the cylinders. Ignition timing is also affected. The MAF sensor wire gets dirty with accumulated debris, oil, air filter fibers, dust and pollen. This can cause inaccurate readings and negatively affect the air to fuel ratio. • Signs of a dirty MAF sensor could be a check engine light. You may experience a loss of power, stalling, rough idle. Your engine may also be running rich and producing excess emissions. The original Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner from CRC Industries is a unique precision cleaner specifically developed to clean sensitive components in MAF sensors without damaging or degrading plastic or painted surfaces. • Use CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner with the engine off. Always wear gloves and eye protection, and insert the straw into the nozzle before an application. Remove the air filter to gain access to the MAF sensor located between the air box and the throttle body. It is recommended that you remove the sensor for best cleaning, but it’s not absolutely necessary. Place a towel under the MAF to catch any run-off. Using the straw attachment, apply 10 to 15 short bursts of CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner to the hotwire or the hot plate. Be careful not to let the straw, or anything else come in contact with hotwire. Keep the end of the straw 4 to 5 inches from the hotwire. Be sure to spray all sides of the MAF sensor and clean all wires and connectors. Reassemble the MAF and allow to dry thoroughly before restarting the engine. • Often, technicians will try to use throttle body, carburetor, or brake parts cleaners to clean sensitive MAF sensor components. However, these aggressive cleaners can be damaging to plastic, which most MAF sensors are housed in today. If the plastic degrades or warps, the MAF hotwire can shift and malfunction, resulting in expensive repairs. Use only the original Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner from CRC Industries to safely clean the delicate components of the sensor. Regular use will restore horsepower, reduce rough idle, decrease hesitation and pinging and improve gas mileage. • Find more product information at


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