Granthi Knot Clearing
Here is a fun little talk about the sensation of granthi knots clearing. This is a menthol-like sensation signifying healing on a spiritual awakening journey to those that are energy-sensitive. Kundalini Transmissions can create this strongly. These clearings are so lovely to experience!!! Have you felt it??? Thank you for listening to my opinions about this :) All of my links, info, and offerings are viewable here!: • Testimonial Video: • Kundalini Transmissions • Other videos about kundalini: • • About Kundalini Transmissions • Testimonials: • My psychic abilities have increased since attending Kundalini Transmissions with Kristin. • Repeat Class Attendee • Kundalini Transmission with Kristin Mothersbaugh is something I am attending, again, and again, and again. I was new to her class and didn’t know what I would be expecting. Decided to join, to experience something new. This is what I discovered. Her divine feminine is so good at nurturing and holding space for all of us to safely receive and feel in stillness. Her ability to allow the healing energy to flow through her is so powerful, pure, and super clean. I personally experienced energy activation/cleanse (deep internal shower), mini ayahuasca journey, messages, deep sleep during the night and waking up feeling GOOD and renewed, still feel the healing after three days!! Kundalini Transmissions feel like another good source of medicine for the body. THANK YOU, Kristin, for sharing your gift. It’s benefiting my life in profound ways. • First Time Class Attendee • Thank you for viewing my channel and content. I am happy to share some free videos on Youtube :) • Donations not expected, but very much appreciated and are welcome. TO DONATE TO MY PAYPAL: • These YouTube videos are for entertainment purposes only. Cherry Blossom Spirituality and the owner associated with this service are not held accountable for decisions made by the recipient. These spiritual services are not to replace medical treatment, psychiatric treatment, or to act as legal or financial advice. If you have concerns in these areas, please consult a reputable professional in the respective field. While there will be physical advice given in certain services, it is up to the discretion of the viewer to take the advice. Cherry Blossom Spirituality is not liable for any injuries. Any and all decisions and actions made by the individual requesting the spiritual service are the sole responsibility of that individual. • • Many blessings to you! • #cherryblossomspirituality #cbspirituality #kundalini #kundalinitransmission #kundaliniactivation #kundaliniawakening #spiritualawakening #ascension #granthiknot #granthiknotclearing #healing #clearingblocks