Castrol Magnatec StopStart 5W30 C2 Jak skutecznie olej chroni silnik


Subscribe: • Contact: [email protected] • Engine oil test Castrol 5W30 Magnatec Stop-Start C2 • What does the test show? • The friction test is to show the oil film's resistance to tearing (oil film strength). • Metal elements in the engine during operation (friction, eg pistons) can lead to scratches and scratches. The better quality oil, the better it should protect the engine, before they are formed. • Each sample subjected to this test will certainly have some scratches (hollows). By measuring the sample, we will be able to check the depth of the groove. • #castrol #castrolstartstop #magnatec • How does the test work? • The new sample is subjected to metal rubbing against metal under a 1kg load for 5 minutes. Then, the sample diameter is measured at its lowest point. Each new sample has a diameter of 2.92, from which it subtracts the diameters of the test sample. After deducting both dimensions, we will get a real measurement of the sample consumption. The lower the score, the better. • Result: 0.06 • Piotr Tester combination: • • If you want to help me buy more oils, oil additives: • The oil was sent to the test by Mr. Jacek. Thank you


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