Kyiv Ukraine War 24 February 2022
Hello 👋🏻 • It’s BlondeKyiv • My name is Tanya and I raise donations to help Ukraine. • All information, reports in the stories on my Instagram tanya_fiona. You can find it in stories or highlights “Support Ukraine” • How to donate: • Paypall [email protected] • Western Union Tetiana Komar 5168757379688510 • IBAN - UA803052990000026204689461717 • Subscribe my channel Blonde Kyiv • PATREON: / blondekyiv • FACEBOOK: / tanyafionaa • INSTAGRAM: @tanya_fiona / tanya_fiona • • I was awoken on 24 February by the sounds of explosions. • Russia officially attacked my country between 4 and 5 am. Just to remind you, we had already been at war with Russia for 8 years. • Here is a map of Ukraine showing where they sent missiles that morning. • On the morning of the 24th, I saw how people jumped in their cars and just left the city. I decided to stay. • The traffic leaving Kyiv city was at a standstill. There was no petrol at gas stations. • There was panic that day as military bases and other targets were hit with missiles. • I feel that if I tried to list all targets, it would be endless. • This war has united our people. Nobody wants to be part of Russia. People are helping each other and collecting donations. We have all become one big family. • Russians crossed the border and started moving in the direction of Kyiv, Chernigiv, Kharkiv, and Sumy. While at the same time they were continuing to shell my country with missiles. • People started to leave their homes, especially in areas where it was too dangerous to stay. • I remained in Kyiv. From the very beginning of the war I saw and heard explosions every day and night. We also faced shortages for food and medicine. • Pharmacies were empty. Many of them were closed. The lines to enter the grocery stores were long, and there was very limited food available. At the beginning of the war, Kyiv was without food, medicine and petrol. • Curfews were put in place, sometimes for periods as long as 48 hours. There were a lot of separatists and saboteurs. Air raid sirens and constant shelling in the city. People moved to bomb shelters and metro stations, which were operating as shelters. Pregnant women had to give birth in awful conditions. • Every day there was crazy traffic as people were constantly leaving the city. In many cases, it would take 20 hours to travel 100km by car. There were also evacuation trains available, but they were very hard to get aboard. • Kyiv was bombed every day, every night from the very beginning. • Russians even managed to get inside the city. There was street fighting not far from the center and Obolon District. • They were trying to destroy my entire life, my home, my house, and other civilian objects. • Regions near Kyiv, such as Bucha, Irpin, and Gostomel were occupied from the very beginning. People risked their lives trying to escape, many of them were killed. • The events from there, as well as other villages, was a nightmare. Women were raped and killed. They just did a mess with people and the entire area. I can’t even say they were animals, they were far worse. • I didn’t want to leave Ukraine. I decided to collect donations to buy medicine from Western Ukraine to bring to Kyiv. I also started working with the press, I’ll tell you more about this in another video. • I took the train to Western Ukraine. It was a terrible trip! • It was impossible to get on board the train. I don’t know how I managed to do it. During the trip, we could hear explosions. I was also scary because we heard that they were bombing railway stations. • Because of stress and anxiety, 3 women fainted on the train. • I heard a small child ask his mom, “Mom, Dad will not die?” • While I was in Kyiv and the surrounding areas, I heard and I saw a lot of things that I would like to share with you.