Lesson 11 – Keypad Membrane Switch Module
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A beginner's guide to the Most Complete Starter Kit by Elegoo. Lesson 11 – Membrane Switch Module • Hello everyone, I'm Rick the Tech Enthusiast here with the next Lesson number 11 “Membrane Switch Module”. This is the next lesson on my Arduino UNO Series covering the Most Complete Starter Kit by Elegoo. I try to follow the tutorial closely, without overburdening the viewer with every detail, but I will point out any changes or corrections as I find them. • As mentioned before, I purchased this Elegoo starter kit. I’m pronouncing it El-E-Goo, I hope that’s right (I sometimes slip and say El-a-Goo). No, Elegoo isn't sponsoring me. I just thought it would be fun to do a video of each Lesson as I was learning the Arduino environment. • For this video, we’ll need a few things from your Elegoo Arduino kit. I’ll list the items below. In this lesson we’re going to learn about the 4x4 Keypad Membrane Switch Module provided in the Elegoo kit. I’ll step through the Elegoo provided code, which uses a Library, eight digital input pins, and explain how it makes this happen. Then I develop a circuit that uses a single analog input and a voltage ladder, without the need of a Library. I even include a spreadsheet to help calculate the resistor values used in the voltage ladder. Note the spreadsheet uses an Excel macro, it’s a harmless function to help determine minimum voltage spreads. It’s unprotected so check out the code. Fun project, I hope you enjoy it. • Parts you’ll need for the basic tutorial: • Elegoo Arduino UNO R3 board • 4x4 Keypad Membrane Switch Module • Eight male-to-male jumpers • I add the following additional items later in the lesson: • One 5K-ohm resistor • Four 2K-ohm resistors • Four 330-ohm resistors • Four 220-ohm resistors • Four 100-ohm resistors • Two 10-ohms resistors • 0.1 uF ceramic capacitor • Misc jumpers • Breadboard • The next lesson will be Lesson 12 – DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor • Links: • This lesson’s sketch and associated drawings can be found at Github: https://github.com/rmorenojr/ElegooTu... • (Note these are Amazon Associates links) • (Full Disclosure: I get a little credit/$ if you purchase a linked item.) • LCD1602 Module with 3.3V Backlight 16x2 Character White on Blue Background by SunFounder https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07... • Passive Buzzers, Cylewet 10Pcs 5V 2 Terminals, Arduino (Pack of 10) on Amazon’s web site: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01... • Elegoo EL-KIT-001 UNO R3 Project Complete Starter Kit with Tutorial for Arduino (63 Items) on Amazon’s web site: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01... • Elegoo’s web site: https://www.elegoo.com/ • https://www.elegoo.com/product/elegoo... • Fritzing Software: http://fritzing.org/download/ • Arduino Language Reference (English): https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/ • Sizeof function: https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/l... • The Matrix Keypad how-to: https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/Ke... • HariFun #143 - How to read a 4x4 keypad using just one Arduino pin! • HariFun #143 - How to read a 4x4 keyp... • Sign up and fund an M1 account using the link, and we'll both get $10 to invest: https://mbsy.co/tsrBR • ♫♪ Credits ♪♫ • Music provided by Free Music Archive, by artist Jahzzar • Jahzzar_-_05_-_Seas_of_Mars http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jah... • This is another video for my new Arduino tutorial series. If you like the series, be sure to rate and subscribe. • Thanks for watching