Hunter Emitter MultiTool HEMT
Hunter offers a tool to speed up your installation of emitters and drip tubing. This video shows you the Hunter Emitter Multi-Tool, HEMT (punches pilot holes and pellets into drip tubing, inserts and removes emitters, cuts tubing). • ======== • Hunter Emitter Multi Tool (HEMT) • HEMT is Pocket Punch's big brother. In addition to the features listed above with Pocket Punch, HEMT also has a cutting blade (cuts up to 1 PVC like a hot knife through butter), holds 1Ž4 tubing already connected to an emitter, and a pellet punch for larger, ag-style emitters and connectors. The unit will have Hunter largely displayed on the handle. • Subscribe to our Facebook and YouTube page to see other videos and to be part of future promotions! • / hunterindustries • / hunterirrigationprod